Are you currently unemployed or underemployed?

My my my times have certainly changed. Our country is currently facing major changes; global pandemic, economic rescission, worldwide protests, nationwide online schooling, record double digit unemployment, excessive business closures and so much more.
If you find yourself unemployed, under-employed, low on cash or a facing a lack of viable job opportunities this may be the time to think outside the box, find your passion and get creative!

Here are 5 Simple steps to stabilize your money and life $ if you are unemployed
Create a basic spending plan and prioritize only the 4 first things necessary to live i.e. the BIG 4; Housing, Food, Utilities and transportation. That's it! So what about other items on the spending plan? If your money runs out after those big 4 items then hold off all the other items. But, if you have money left over after the big 4 then prioritize 1 by 1 base on order of importance. If you owe the IRS PLEASE call to inform of your situation and make a plan. Please Don't EVER ignore the IRS!.
Get basic supplemental help. For some, even doing the BIG 4 still doesn't cut the plan enough to live some time to get overwhelm and anxious. OK, take a deep breath because help is available!The United Way’s 211 helpline is a great place to turn if you need help with essential needs, such as housing or food. In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, 211 is helping individuals across the country who are suffering from lost wages due to business closures, event cancellations and quarantines.
Do a smorgasbord of money saving apps and cut backs or temporary pauses. Set an intention to temporarily cut out your nonessential. they could be gifts, vacations, eating out and some entertainment. key is temporary. Call to pause all Service Contracts and Subscriptions. If you have credit card or other debt stop all extra debt payments. Begin to clip paper or online coupons. One app called Ibotta will pay you cash for taking pictures of your grocery store receipts, eliminating convenience foods and buying name brand over generic brand therefore saving money. Plus, you’ll get a $20 sign-up bonus after redeeming your first 10 offers within 14 days. Another saving Sign up for Rakuten, a cash-back site that rewards you nearly every time you make an online purchase. When you give the site a try, you’ll pocket a $10 Walmart gift card. Their are tons of other money saving apps, simply google moneysavingapps and you will get a menu of goodies.
Sell your or other stuff. Ok some of us have so much stuff in our home we can open a Macy's store, ah hem don't judge me! Do you have stuff you don't need or want or kids have outgrown ? You can sell your stuff in your home to get some cash to stay afloat without leaving your home or having a traditional "yard sale". To get started, check out a few online platforms. Decluttr is a platform that helps users sell their old tech. OfferUp is a popular platform for those looking to buy and sell goods locally, and can be used either through your web browser or smartphone. They've have added a shipping option, which allows sellers to reach more potential buyers without having to risk a face-to-face interaction. Given how much time we spend on Facebook — it’s no surprise that Facebook Marketplace is a viable option to make cash. Another great place to sell is eBay, a hoppin place to place your for-sale items in front of a worldwide audience. For stuff you find around the house and things you may have created and just sitting, Etsy is the way to go.
Use your natural God given skills to produce some income. Chris Guillebeau, best-selling author and podcast host of Side Hustle School, said that’s actually the best time to get creative. Do you have a gift to sell, bake, cook, tutor, teach? Well then put those skills to good use and get busy. Turn those skills into a side hustle you never know what that might lead to, maybe you will turn this into a small business or not. Take the next step and move forward.

Portions of this blog courtesy of the Penney Hoarder. Photos courtesy of Unsplash.