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6 questions to get your dreams in motion

Jen Inspiring Coach

Dreams , goals, wishes, desires, wants, we all have them!

Some of us know, and some of us don't know what dreams we want.

While others simply don't have a clear game plan to create and implement their dreams.

Whichever camp you're in, you can start the dream process in motion with these 6 simple questions.

Here are 6 preliminary questions to ask yourself to find out what your dreams might be.

  1. What fun personal interest or hobbies do you have or would like to have Eg., cooking, crafts, talking, traveling, art etc.

  2. What practical talents and or skills do you (or others) say you have? Eg., event planning, administration, hosting, speaking, teaching, encouraging, etc.

  3. Is there any you've always wanted to do if you had the bravery or permission? EG., Public speaking, start a non profit, be an author, start a business etc.

  4. What medium to long term desires do you have ? (think beyond this season to 2, 5, 10 or 20 years) Eg. Buy a home, go back to school, become debt free, retire early etc.

  5. What brings you joy or what does your heart long for? Eg. love to sing, draw, paint or teach etc.

  6. Are there consistent themes, patterns that you see in what you do well or prefer to do? Eg. very organized, planner, vision creator etc.

What if there were ZERO limits to what you could do and be in your life?

What would your life look like if all your dreams came true?

Want to go deeper, further and get more clarity to design your dream life?

As a certified Life and Money Coach I can get you to your dreams faster.

Book a complimentary intention "Dream" session today, Your dream depends on it!



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Jen Inspiring Coach 


*DISCLAIMER: Please know I do not sell any financial products including investments, insurance, stocks, other financial offerings or endorse any financial service providers. Financial Coaching means providing one on one sessions with clients in order to coach performance improvements to meet goals set by the client. Coaching is NOT designed to be a therapeutic relationship or to manage a crisis. The client understands that Jen Inspiring Coach does NOT providing any legal, tax, accounting, investment, or any other professional advice. I am Not legally authorized or licensed to provide any financial planning advice, however, I may be able to help you with resources and questions to ask licensed professionals. 

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