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Faith, Art & Money

Jen Inspiring Coach

Guest Blog post written by Creative Digital Artist & Illustrator, Joshua Jashkunle

You're sitting at your work station staring at a blank canvas on your computer screen with your design/art software application open, wondering what to create next.

Decisions, decisions.

As your mind wonders, searching for the right muse or the right idea you know you might just be one creation away from what could lead to so many possibilities. Or you might just end up with many likes and an updated portfolio. Life goes on. You want to create something that blesses, inspire and impact other's lives, but on other hand you want to be able to pay your bills. The dilemma persists. Could you hit two birds with one stone?

Either way, the life of Entrepreneur can be an uncertain and challenging one and even more challenging if you are a creative entrepreneur. As a digital artist/illustrator and animator where I come from, creative digital art isn’t really a celebrated career unless you work for or is in collaboration with brands or companies. However, as a freelancer like me the story is totally different. Many people actually believe you don’t have a real job and the few that does, simply see it as a favor when they pay you. It's challenging when you have to explain the value of what you offer and what it could bring to the table. I thank God for the blessings of the internet which grants me endless possibilities to reach and be of service to people that see the true value of the creative work I offer.

While I could celebrate all the internet possibilities and the amazing people I've met, it has also brought a big dilemma when people ask me “where are you located?”. As a creative Entrepreneur from Nigeria can be an uphill task to scale business as the odds are not in our favor due to country's negative online reputation gained through fraudulent scams. This reputation looms over us like a bad omen that only a very few can look over. Truth is everyone wants greener pastures and a chance at a better life. While some go about doing business unlawfully and immorally, it’s a sad reality that good, honest working people also pay dearly for it. You see, I was taught to fear God and be honest in my dealings, so being truthful no matter what is of my Christian core belief. I answer truthfully and hope for the best, which most of the time ends up with a silence at the other end with only a few giving me a chance after hearing my answer.

In spite of it all, giving up is not an option. Life doesn’t deal us our fair share of what we sometimes deserve. We must do the best we can and have faith that things work out, even when all the odds seem against us. Like David, we must face our Goliath with faith in God and believe that things will turn out great. The journey ahead still seems far and the huddles yet unconquered, but with persistence, hard work and a whole lot of faith I believe the best will surely come. All the obstacles thrown on our path are not enough excuses to fail. Trust God and never give up on your dreams because against all odds you can succeed.

You can find Josh at Facebook @josh legacy noah Instagram @jolegacynoah LinkedIn @joshua


Photo stocks are courtesy of Unsplash by various artists



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Jen Inspiring Coach 


*DISCLAIMER: Please know I do not sell any financial products including investments, insurance, stocks, other financial offerings or endorse any financial service providers. Financial Coaching means providing one on one sessions with clients in order to coach performance improvements to meet goals set by the client. Coaching is NOT designed to be a therapeutic relationship or to manage a crisis. The client understands that Jen Inspiring Coach does NOT providing any legal, tax, accounting, investment, or any other professional advice. I am Not legally authorized or licensed to provide any financial planning advice, however, I may be able to help you with resources and questions to ask licensed professionals. 

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