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My Money Story

Jen Inspiring Coach

Updated: Jan 22, 2020

We all have a money story... Here is mine.

Growing up, my parents were very loving, generous, friendly, hospitable with extensive charitable qualities however their income was very limited therefore were monetarily poor. They had no other choice so therefore lived on very menial means which meant bare bones no extra curricular activities simply for survival. The answer to desires was often denied since they honestly did not have the money to give. They never told me they were poor or that I could never have the item I desired. However, since my perspective was immature my young mind was obviously flawed. Due to my shy personality I did not ask but instead internalized a negative limiting belief that I didn’t deserve anything all of which led me to develop a coping pattern of self-denial when it came to money and luxury. As a result, as an adult I found myself shopping to fill that void and experienced an exhilarated sense of love and nurture when I purchased something, regardless of whether I needed it or could afford it. Only to land in fear and self-loathing a little later. Such emptiness and a void filled my heart so when I looked around at my accumulated stuff overtaking and piling up my space I would then react to self-criticism, by once again, denying myself what I wanted. It was exhausting!

My Search

Over the years, I read tons of books by well-known money gurus, experimented with tips and tools I got from the internet, took many financial classes, got certified as a money professional, attended a myriad of money workshops and tried “fixing” my shopping issue by purchasing new clothes, shoes and stuff to help me mask the issue to feel better about my money.

Still, I experienced a repetitive pendulum, swinging from good girl to bad girl. I realized it would be impossible to heal and be set free from this issue unless I looked at my early money story.

My Breakthrough Journey

My money breakthrough started when I first took a 13 week Crown Financial Ministries class which taught me that God’s word had a lot to say about money and that He knew my money story. The class taught me how to be a good steward of how to handle money God’s way and that He owned it all. Next I learned the practical way of handling money by Dave Ramsey of Financial Peace University class. I learned and co-lead many classes in the practical strategy of handling money, the ins and outs of money preparedness, how to be savvy with money and how to create wealth and bless others by becoming generous. Although I learned how to be a good steward, and how to create a solid strategic plan of how to save, spend and give money I still had some inner money hidden drivers within my subconscious I still wrestled with. Honestly, I felt like a rat on a wheel when I was stressed and used shopping to cope, aka did retail therapy. Sick and tired of the tiresome emotional roller coaster I relented and finally decided I needed to look under the hood of my life. I sought a certified Money Coach who helped me delve to look under the hood of the why, aka iceberg theory to get scientific, which peeled back and truly exposed my early money story. It was deep soul work that brought a huge amounts of emotions that left me looking crying ugly, however beautifully vulnerable. Only after that deep dive work did I fully understand what was driving my money spending habits. I also did additional work of internal family systems work which complimented the journey and brought it full circle. Since I believe the practical and theoretical adds deep value to any profession I completed coursework in Nueroeconomics, Behavioral Economics and Financial Psychology. As if that was not enough since money intersects with life and to close the circle, I completed Life and Narrative Coaching programs. which added more depth to my work. All of the rigorousness learning, growing and exposing led to a profound experience of revelation, understanding, self compassion, kindness and acceptance, all of which helped me to discover an internal connection to my early money story that liberated me from my earlier stored money beliefs.

When I stopped living as a reactive victim of my money story, I began making empowered money decisions aligned with my greater life vision and values. During my money journey I gained deep biblical stewardship insight, developed insight, exposed more self-awareness and systems and structure all of which helped me create lasting and tangible changes. Now I invite others to on this beautiful journey.

My Key Lessons

  1. Lasting transformation with money begins on the inside under the hood.

  2. Understanding one's money drivers along with self-acceptance open the flood gates to real change.

  3. No other topical strategy or class will be lasting if you don't heal your relationship to your money first.

This money journey is a very personal journey that I get to privilege to walk with you that usually leads to your ha moments. These moments gently lifts the fog, so your natural creative. resourceful and whole self comes alive.. When we heal our money "dynamics" issues, our work on our money mechanics issues then is sustainable for a lifetime.

Let's begin the journey today.



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Jen Inspiring Coach 


*DISCLAIMER: Please know I do not sell any financial products including investments, insurance, stocks, other financial offerings or endorse any financial service providers. Financial Coaching means providing one on one sessions with clients in order to coach performance improvements to meet goals set by the client. Coaching is NOT designed to be a therapeutic relationship or to manage a crisis. The client understands that Jen Inspiring Coach does NOT providing any legal, tax, accounting, investment, or any other professional advice. I am Not legally authorized or licensed to provide any financial planning advice, however, I may be able to help you with resources and questions to ask licensed professionals. 

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